Al-Awda New York, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition


The following is a statement published by Jews Against The Occupation, December 12, 2000

"we tried to convince ourselves that our occupation was a benevolent one. But we know from history that an occupation is an occupation is an occupation." - Yossi Beilin (Geneva Human Rights Commission; now Israeli Minister of Justice)

In the weeks since September 29, 2000, 236 Palestinian civilians have been killed by Israeli security forces. 74 of those killed were minors under 18 years old - 20 were under 15 years old. 13 Israeli citizens of Arab descent have been killed by the Israeli police. Nearly 10,000 Palestinians have been injured by Israeli security forces. 18 Israeli civilians and 16 Israeli soldiers have been killed by Palestinians. 188 Israeli civilians and 238 Israeli soldiers have been injured by Palestinians (figures are as of 12/5/00 from B'Tselem).

[ Now do the math. A total of 280 people have died as of 12/5/2000. 249 of these people were Palestinians. That is 89%. The total injured is 10,426. The percent injured or wounded who are Palestinians is 96% !!!!! ]

Israeli and international human rights organizations have "documented repeated excessive use of lethal force against unarmed Palestinian demonstrators." Among other things, "the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) has used live ammunition and rubber-coated steel bullets from getting to the hospitals; destroyed the olive trees and other crops on which many villages depend for income and food; and sealed off and besieged Palestinian towns preventing food and medical supplies from entering. [ Human Rights Watch, Israeli Physicians for Human Rights (PHR), B'Tselem]

This is not new. Ever since the beginning of the occupation in 1967, the State of Israel has, as its official policy in the Occupied Territories, systematically tortured Palestinians, demolished Palestinian homes and discriminated against Palestinians in housing policies; restricted Palestinians freedom to leave, return to, and travel within the Occupied Territories' continuously expanded illegal settlements.

The Oslo accords' so-called "peace" process has marked an intensification of these policies. After the Oslo accords were signed, before the current crisis, the State of Israel: doubled the number of settlements on the West Bank and enlarged the existing settlements; continued to cut back water quotas for the 3 million Palestinians in the Occupied territories; prevented Palestinian development in most of the West Bank; built a network of roads for Jews only, sealing an entire nation into restricted areas; imposed mass curfews, regularly closed borders and airports; restricted Palestinian access to food, water and medical care.

"an occupation is an occupation is an occupation"

We hold the State of Israel accountable for these abuses of human rights.

We hold the State of Israel responsible for these deaths, the deaths of Israeli citizens as well as the deaths of refugees, the deaths of Jews as well as the deaths of Palestinians.

And as Jews living in the United States, we hold our own government accountable as well, for its role in supplying arms and military aid to Israel, for its role in manipulating the Israeli/Palestinian conflict to secure its own oil interests and its foothold in the region, and for its role n brokering round after round of accords which are not part of a process of peace, but a process of occupation.

As Jews, we are appalled by the violence perpetrated by the Israeli government against Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and against Palestinian citizens within Israel. We reject the Israeli government claim that the military action of recent weeks has been in self-defense -- the disparity between Israeli and Palestinian deaths, injuries and armaments clearly shows the dishonesty of this claim. We reject also the use of the history of anti-Semitism to obscure contemporary Israeli power and to justify Israeli claims of fear of annihilation by the Palestinians.


It is our position as Jews that obliges us to voice our opposition to the continuing oppression and violence perpetrated against the Palestinian people by the Israeli government. It is our position as Jews living in the United States that obliges us to stand up and voice our opposition to U.S. policies that arm the Israeli government against the Palestinian people.

For all these reasons, and because the diversity of Jewish opinion about the conflict has been ignored by the corporate media, silenced by the leadership of many U.S. Jewish organizations, and deemed irrelevant by local and national politicians in the U.S.,


that Israel take responsibility for the refugee crisis it has created, and for its just resolution as well as political accountability, including reparations, for the systemic destruction of Palestinian homes, livelihoods, and cultural institutions during the course of the occupation.


immediate food and medical relief and the lifting of all blockades around Palestinian towns.


an international commission of inquiry into the Israeli security forces' actions since September 29, 2000.


the immediate release of all Israeli military personnel imprisoned for refusing to served in the Occupied Territories.


an immediate withdrawal of all Israeli military personnel from the Occupied Territories.

There can be no peace in the Middle East until Israel ends the occupation!


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"If I lose the light of the sun, I will write by candlelight,
moonlight, no light.
If I lose paper and ink, I will write in blood on forgotten walls
I will write always
I will capture nights all over the world and bring them to you."

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The Palestine Right To Return Coalition, P.O. Box 401, Hummelstown, PA 17036
This site was last Updated on February 4, 2006